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Teaching Storytelling to an Agency

October 10 -10:00 am5:00 pm EDT

I will be leading a storytelling workshop for an agency as part of their conference on communication for their corporate leadership team. This event is not open to the public, but it’s on my calendar and I am preparing for my part nonetheless.

As a business owner for over 20 years. I have worked in corporate leadership, communications and marketing, and organizational storytelling, even discounting my over 15 years of teaching storytelling. I understand goals and missions and teams – and how all of those tie in and are tied together with an organization’s narrative. Or, at least, they can be – if the storytelling makes sense.

I work to craft each workshop so it works for my clients, and so it meets the needs of my clients. And I am already working towards those goals for my October workshop.

I teach storytelling through community centers, libraries, and for organizations that hire me. Primarily, though not exclusively, I teach and am booked through Better Said Than Done. If you are a community center, library, story center, organization, adult education center, middle grade school through university, or individual looking for public speaking or storytelling coaching, please feel free to reach out to me to discuss a storytelling workshop or course. Whether you wish to hire me as an independent workshop leader or through Better Said Than Done, email me here.

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