Storytelling Workshops

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I have been teaching storytelling techniques since 2011. I teach to individuals through workshops at community centers, libraries, and online, and I also lead workshop for organizations. In September, I have a 5 week storytelling workshops starting. It is online beginning September 4th at 7:00pm Eastern and running for two hours every Wednesday night through October 2nd. Details and Registration Here.

In July, I taught a mini storytelling workshop on Zoom with about 15 people tuning in and sharing stories. This format has become really popular and there will be more.

I also led a half day storytelling workshop for the George Mason University Athletics Department. I enjoyed working with the 25 or so Head Coaches and administrators who attended. I heard some fabulous stories and I received wonderful feedback from them after.

“Thanks Jessica!
Our team met today and your portion of the day was very well received by our group. I have spoken to a couple of coaches and have only received positive feedback. Enjoy the rest of your summer and thanks again for your time and expertise!”
~ Todd

Storytelling is my passion and, in addition to performing, I love teaching. I am open to booking educational or performance sessions. Drop me an email at if interested.