Jessica Piscitelli Robinson


Jessica Robinson is the Founding Executive Director of Better Said Than Done, the organization behind the Women’s Storytelling Festival.

In addition to producing storytelling shows since 2011, Jessica has been a performing storyteller since 2007. She has performed at Exchange Place at the International Storytelling Festival, on WGBH’s “Stories from the Stage,” and for Artists Standing Strong Together, Six Feet Apart Productions, Mostly True Things, and 2 National Storytelling Network (NSN) Conferences. Jessica was featured at the Stone Soup, the Washington Folk, the Alleghany Highlands, the Florida, and the Hampton Storytelling Festivals, and has told lies and emceed at the Good Liars Club Festival 3 years in a row. Jessica is a 2023 ORACLE Award recipient from the NSN.

Jessica is the author of the novel Caged (under pen name JP Robinson), contributing author to the anthology Roar: True Tales of Women Warriors, and her latest book Stages: My Life in Stories, is a memoir in stories.

Jessica has been teaching storytelling to individuals and organizations since 2011. In addition to community centers, libraries, and adult education centers, Jessica has taught storytelling for The Brookings Institution, The George Washington University School of Business, George Mason University’s Athletic Department, and The World Bank, to name a few.


  • 2023 ORACLE Award Recipient from the National Storytelling Network
  • Stages: My Life in Stories, published September 2024, by Tucker DS Press
  • The Women’s Storytelling Festival – March 20-23, 2025, in Fairfax, VA and online. More HERE.